TX7EME Operating Tips
From September 3th until september 10th 2015 I will be will be active from Moorea on moonbounce.
On september 10th I will be active only for EU window, then I will have to disassemble everything in time for the ferry….
Please, keep in mind that the local time in Tahiti is UTC -10 hours, so From an EU standpoint, operations will start on semptember 4th (still september 3rd in Tahiti) and will cease on september 11th (still september 10th in Tahiti).
The call will be TX7EME. Locator BH52CM. Be sure to add these data in your call3.txt file.
Operating frequency will be 144.127 MHz QRM permitting.
2×9 el. Yagi H+V pol, ITALAB SSPA, YAESU FT-857, HM LNA
Here are some well known operating tips and a couple of add-ons, doesn’t hurt to have a look at them:
- Please call me when you CAN copy my signal on the waterfall. No need to have a good decode from me, you will decode my signal when I will call you back.
- Better don’t stop calling me when I already am in QSO with someone else, after every QSO I will call the next station I have in queue, but only if he was transmitting on the minute before.
- Don’t hop around, choose a freq to call me and stay there for a while. If you stop transmitting , listen in the next period and then change freq if you feel like it.
- I will not transmit my 73. Copied your 73 I will go back to call CQ or I will answer to another copied station directly with the OOOs…
- You need to send 73 after you got my RRR, I will have to be sure the QSO is completed.
- Since the common window with EU will be quite short, I will work only EU since my moonrise until EU moonset. If you are from NA, JA, VK, please refrain from call in that couple of hours, there will be plenty of time to have our QSO later. I’m sorry to report that ther will no common window with SA. Take a look at my Timetable and you will get a clue….
- Due to the marginal operating conditions, and the operating hours I will endure, be patient with me 🙂
- Even if the DX pedition is focused on JT65 digital mode, I will try to squeeze in some sked for the CW guys (Send me an email if interested). I am not much of a CW operator, but I will do my best to accomodate you.